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Month/Holiday Equivalent Description
Deepwinter January Most places are frozen, except Gnalens, which is mid-50s.
Midwinter Christmas Religious holiday, second gift-giving holiday.
Winter February Most places are frozen, except Gnalens and the Halfling Country.
Sunsets March Spring Equinox is on the 19th of Sunsets. Ack thaws.
Storms April Central Plains thaw.
Greengrass Easter Planting feast, gorging on the last reserves of winter.
Melting May Farsteppes thaw.
Flowers June Summer Solstice is on the 20th of Flowers.
Summertide July Farfarsteppes thaw.
Midsummer Every four years, a day called Shieldmeet happens after Midsummer
Highsun August Farfarsteppes harvest. Constructive Criticism Day is on the 15th of Highsun.
Fading September Autumn Equinox is on the 21st of Fading. Farfarsteppes freeze.
Highharvesttide Thanksgiving This is the gift-giving, big feast, BIG holiday. Everyone celebrates it.
Leaffall October Farsteppes freeze.
Rotting November Constructive Criticism Day is on the 15th of Rotting. Central Plains freeze.
Feast of the Moon Celebration varies by region.
Drawing December Winter solistice is on the 20th of Drawing.